Prince Oliver Theodore Robinette
Born February 6th 2010 at 3:00 am
Birth weight 1 & 1/2 ounces.....yes that is ounces.

Prince Oliver Theodore Robinette
Born February 6th 2010 at 3:00 am
Birth weight 1 & 1/2 ounces.....yes that is ounces.
As you can see he is not much larger than my friends thumb. My friend, Shelby & I kept him warm and fed him with an eye dropper and day by day he ate a bit more and kept gaining weight. I took him to the Vet at day 3 and they couldn't find anything wrong with him and told me to keep doing what I was doing. So around the clock, every 3 hours I would feed him with an eye dropper until he was about 9 days old and could take a bottle.
This is Oliver compared to his 4 sisters. When he was born I thought he was dead.
He fought every day.
And before I knew it he was strong
enough to be with his Mom, Grace.
And she took over his care.
He continued to grow but he would never catch up to his sisters. I never listed Oliver for sale as I couldn't be sure that there were any underlying health issues.
I have raised many litters of Bichon's but I am not kidding when I say this is the smartest puppy I ever had. He knew his name by 6 weeks. He knew all about potty = treats by 7 weeks. By 8 weeks I knew I couldn't part with him. There was just one husband, Ron!
I asked Ron if I could keep him, he said no!
Oliver may be small but he is mighty. He is unusually calm for a Bichon, very sweet natured and happy, yes that would be one of Grace's puppies. I asked Ron if I could keep him, he said no!
I asked again, he said No!!
I no longer ask Ron if I can keep him as when my husband comes home from work and greats each of our 10 dogs long before he gets to me. He takes a special moment for his favorite, Leah ...and Oliver. I think if I asked Ron if I could keep Oliver today he would probably! But when he picks up Oliver each day and says "oh you love your Dad now don't you"! It has taken me 17 years to realize Ron's no's mean YES!
Welcome to the family Oliver Theodore
(Ron gave Oliver his own middle name)
Oliver now weighs 4 pounds & has fit into the family very easily. That is a story only a good dog breeder could tell as a lot of dog breeders would not have taken the time to save a little life like that. I am proud to say I gladly took the time and because I did I have been rewarded with OLIVER!!!!!
October 10, 2010
Oliver at 10 months old. What a handsome sweet boy he is.
Oliver is now a year & a half old. He & my 4 pound Maltese are best buddies, he has a bad habit of taking her close off .....all the time! Oliver is a sensitive & very affectionate boy, my life wouldn't be complete without him.