Millie is a great addition to our family. She is from Texas like Jacob & Abbie. Millie is 7 years old. Being that Millie was 2 when we got her she has required more attention with socialization as she spent a lot of time kenneled in the past. She has learned to sleep in bed with me & the rest of the dogs. She gets along great with all the dogs but is very shy towards people. She has come a long way in the 2 years I'v have had her & I will continue to work with her on her socialization skills. The best way to deal with a dog like this is to get them to come to you & you do that with food. Millie gets special snacks a couple times a day. As I am giving her a piece of a hot dog I will call her name & all the other dogs know that this is just for Millie. I pray someday she will just sit on my lap, I love her so much not to mention the amazing puppies she & Jacob have. So great that my breeder friend in Texas took 2 of Millie Jacob pups & is going to use them for breeding. What a wonderful compliment from such a reputable breeder. Millie’s pedigree is the only female pedigree that is comparable to Jacob’s, it is just outstanding. Millie’s previous owner was selling her pups for $2200. I would never be able to get that kind of money in the area I live & as I am not really looking to make the almighty dollars in dog breeding, I prefer to breed great dogs & place them in great families. Millie’s puppies will be $1000 with a $300 deposit & $700 remaining when you pick up your puppy. Please take the time to go online & look at pictures of Bichon’s. You can tell just by the pictures the difference between a well bred Bichon & one that is not so well bred. Millie is super gorgeous, I feel honored to have her.
Abigail Rose
Abbie is our newest addition, she is 4 years old now old. She just had her first litter, 7 puppies!!!. Abbie is the dog that makes us laugh. She is crazy Abbie. So full of energy not knowing what to do first. Should I attack Shiloh, or the new puppy Stella? Should I play with the toys. Should I drag Tucker by his ear across the floor? Abbie is definitely our most energetic dog. If you pick her up she will be happy to stay in your arms for however long you want to hold her. Abbie is a wonderful addition to our family. She comes with a great pedigree too. Abbie, Mia & Millie all have outstanding pedigrees which simply means there are a lot of championship dogs in their ancestry. If you have a pedigree with championship dog on it you are certainly going to be breeding some amazing looking puppies. On Abbie's pedigree her sire is a Champion, Abby & Mia are the only 2 females I have where the sire is the Champion. I have a couple pedigree's where the grand sire is a Champion but not the Sire. Abbie's e father is CH Yoshi's Dreams Come True Jake!!!!!!! Abbie's puppies will be $1000, $300 deposit to hold your puppy and the remaining $700 when you pick the puppy up. Abbie has matured into a very calm loving dog she is a wonderful addition to the pack.

Mia is my largest Bichon as she weights nearly 18 pounds. I usually like to keep my breeding stock between 10-13 pounds and breed the smaller Bichon but AKC Standards states that 18 pounds is acceptable. Mia is very affectionate yet not needy at all. She is super playful and a bit on the mischievous side. She has a great coat and a nice short muzzle. She loves everyone and is happy to just sit on your lap or cuddle next to you in bed. Mia is very smart and was the easiest Bichon I ever had to potty train outside. When she was a puppy she would just follow the adult dogs out the dog door into the large fenced in yard and that is how she learned to go potty outside. It only took a month or so and she knew just what she was doing. Mia’s favorite thing is to play with the puppies when they are old enough to get out of the pen, not just her own pups but anyone’s pups. She is a great dog and I feel honored just to have her be part of my pack.